230 words ~ 1-2 min

Warming up with a 32 bytes fire effect for MSDOS after a few years break from the demoscene for studies and work.

Actually I tried to do this three years earlier but failed to go below 33 bytes. This intro is 31 bytes + 1 byte of padding just for fun.

Fire ?

This effect uses the classic technique:

Generating pseudo-random pixels at the base of the screen. For each pixel, average the current pixel and the three neighbours below it.

Ideally there should some decay too to make the flames disapear quicker but that was asking too much for 32 bytes.

Source code

;           $
;           $$
;          $$$
;      $  $$$$$$$
;      $$$$$$$$$
;   $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$
;    $$$$$$  $$$$$
;   $$$$      $$$$$$$
; $$$$$$$     $$$$$$
;  $$$        $$$$$
;  $$$$         $$$
;   $$           $$
;    $$        $$$
;      $      $$
; 32bytes fire effect
; Mathieu 'P01' HENRI
; ___________________

.model tiny
org 100h

  mov al,13h
  int 10h
  mov bh,0a5h
  mov es,bx
  mov ds,bx
    xor byte ptr[bx],al
    inc bl
    add al,al
    add al,[si+319]
    add al,[si]
    shr al,2
    or  al,128
  jmp mainLoop
  db 3  ; lovely padding
end start


Of course you can find this 32b Fire on

Other recent experiments

There are many experiments and projects like FIRE to discover other here.

Let's talk

Don't be shy; get in touch by mail, twitter, github, linkedin or pouet if you have any questions, feedback, speaking, workshop or performance opportunity.