Fall 2011, another meme struck Pouet.net. TV NOISE. Over the course of a few weeks, every single platform went psssh. There you go open web platform: TV noise in 128 bytes.
This was a meme prod, simple enough to fit in 128 bytes of DHTML. Not much to see here. So little that I couldn't bother uploading it and simply posted a tinyurl'd data:URI on Pouet.net.
<body onload=setInterval('for(r.width=j=150,i=j*j;--i;)r.getContext(\'2d\').fillRect(i%j,i/j,1,Math.random())',9)><canvas id=r>
You can find TV Noise JS on Pouet.net.
Other recent projects
There are many experiments and projects like TV NOISE to discover other here.
FRONTFEST MOSCOW It was an honour to be invited to Fronfest Moscow 2017 with the little family to give my first workshop; implementing a Twin-stick shooter using ES6 and Canvas, and to continue my CODE🎙ART series of talks + live coding aiming to inspire new web developer artists. on November 18th, 2017
VOLTRA VOLTRA: Grinding the Universe, a gritty JavaScript demo, winner of the 1024 bytes demo competition at the Assembly 2017. on August 6th, 2017
BREATHING EARTH Another take on Nadieh Bremer mesmerizing Breathing Earth visualisation, running at 60fps on a 2D Canvas without libraries or frameworks. on June 26th, 2017
MINICRAFT Tribute to MINECRAFT, voxel flyby in 252 bytes of HTML5 on November 2nd, 2013
JS1K SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Sorry but I didn't have the time nor felt like doing heavy 3D, FPS game, particle systems, flying hearts and flowers for JS1K#4. This time, Audio was ON and several entries featured a melody and other simple sound effects, so I had to make a Speech Synthesizer in 1K of JavaScript. on March 14th, 2012
MUSIC SOFTSYNTH This is the brain child of 140byt.es and Experimental music from very short C programs. on October 13th, 2011
COTTON CANDY First stab at webGL, in 1k between two nappy changes. It's glitchy and tiny but I quite like this puppy. It ranked #3 at DemoJS. on July 2nd, 2011
COPTER CRUISE A simple Commanche-like that won the 20lines 'Terrain' contest at the OzoneAsylum in July 2004 on July 29th, 2004
Let's talk
Don't be shy; get in touch by mail, twitter, github, linkedin or pouet if you have any questions, feedback, speaking, workshop or performance opportunity.