The first edition of the 256B.HTM contest allowed 5 entries per author. Mine ranked 1st, 10th, 19th and 29th out of 63.
The Dark-Age of the internet
Rembember, this was the year 2002. IE6 was brand new. Netscape, Mozilla and Opera were fighting for a few bread crumbs and the first release of Firefox, then known as Phoenix 0.1, only appeared in September 2002.
Yet, people were starting to think outside of the box. The incredibly popular the5k contest featured some amazing entries. But 5k wasn't enough for everyone.
The editors of the demoscene disk-magazine wildmag organized an impossible contest called 256B.HTM
- Create a tiny website in 256 bytes, using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, GIF, Flash, SVG, VRML...
- Total size of all files must be less or equal to 256 bytes.
- The entry have to run offline in one of the commonly used web browsers ( Internet Explorer 6, Opera 6, Netscape 6 and Mozilla 0.9 ).
Additional rules
- The code doesn't have to be valid, cross-browser or DOM compatible.
- All plugin based technologies are allowed.
- It is not allowed to use the file name as source code.
Four entries
There was no hard limit of entries per competitor. In the end there was 62 entries. I just went with the flow and submitted four different ideas that seemed challenging to do on the web in 256 bytes:
- Metaballs a classic demo effect
- Bounce an old time classic mega scroll
- World Domination a visual gimmick
- Rotozoom another classic from the demoscene
1. Metaballs ranked #1
Metaballs are some kind of distance field with blending and they look damn cool!
Source code
Here is a modern version of this entry
poi <canvas id=c><script>setInterval("C=Math.cos;for(S=75+56*C(a+=.1),W=75-48*C(a*1.9),c.width=y=150;y--;S--,W--)for(Q=75+48*C(a+1),A=56*C(a+8)-75,x=150;x--;s<1?c.getContext('2d').fillRect(x,y,1,1-s*s*s*s*s):0)s=(--Q*Q+S*S)*(++A*A+W*W)/1e7",a=9)</script>
And this is the version submitted back then
<input id=H style=filter:Light;height:160><script>C=Math.cos;L=H.filters.Light;t=72;x=255;A=setInterval("A+=.1;L.clear();L.addPoint(t+64*C(A),t-t*C(A*3),t+48*C(A*2),192,x,x,x);L.addPoint(t-64*C(A*1.7),96+t*C(A*2),t+16*C(A*2),x,x,192,x)",9)</script> poi
These are 254 and 252 bytes respectively. The old version uses DirectX light filters. The new one uses Canvas, obviously, and the sub-pixel fillrect trick to draw different shades of gray.
2. Bounce ranked #10
This is a little hommage to the mega scroll effects popular in Atari demos in the early 90's.
Source code
Here is the current version, working in recent browsers
<body id=B background=v>poi<script>A=setInterval(";s.font='390px monospace';s.backgroundPosition=--A+'px top';s.margin=(64-192*Math.sin((A&63)/21))+'px '+(4*(A&511)-768)+'px'",9)</script>
And below is the version submitted back then
<body id=B background=v><tt id=F style=position:absolute;font-size:390>poi<script>A=setInterval(";*(A&511)-768;*Math.sin((A&63)/21)",9)</script>
These are 255 bytes each including a 48 bytes big image.
3. World Domination ranked #19
The webdings font is full of gems, and the worldmap and pirate characters were begging to make an intro. This font is not available everywhere therefore the modern version of this entry shows some kind atomic action!
Source code
The modern version:
<body id=B text=snow bgColor=#036><script>setInterval('a+=44;h="poi";M=Math.cos;for(i=7;i--;)h+="<p style=position:fixed;font-size:"+(i?9:29)+"9px;left:"+(i?45+30*M(a+i*2):35)+"%;top:"+(i?45+25*M(a+i):15)+"%>&#"+(i?9086:9883);B.innerHTML=h',a=17)</script>
And this is the version submitted in the contest
<body bgcolor=red text=gold>poi<p style=font:850webdings>�<a>#<a>#<a>#<a>#<a>#<a>#<script>M=Math.cos;a=0;b=setInterval('b+=.01;with(document.all[5+a++].style){position="absolute";zoom=.2;color=0;left=550+500*M(a+b*2);top=300+250*M(a+b)};a%=7',9)</script>
These weigh 255 and 254 bytes respectively.
4. Rotozoom ranked #29
Another classic demo effect packed in a few bytes.
Source code
Here is a modern version of the rotozzom entry
poi<canvas id=c><img id=i src=r onload=setInterval('d=c.getContext("2d");c.width|=q=Math.cos;C=q(a+=.1)*12;S=q(a*.7)*8;d.setTransform(C,S,-S,C-S,150,75);d.drawImage(i,-3,-3)',a=9)>
And below is the version submited to the contest
poi<img src=r width=512 id=O style=filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix><script>o=O.filters[0];o.Dx=o.Dy=256;a=setInterval('o.M11=o.M22=Math.cos(a+=.1)/2;o.M12=-(o.M21=Math.sin(a*.7)/3)',9)</script>
These two versions are 223 and 252 bytes respectively including a 43 bytes big image.
Final thought
The 256B.HTM contest was real fun. It was far ahead of its time to show that 256 bytes can make for a great show on the web. Kudos to the organizers and all the participants!
Other recent experiments
There are many experiments and projects like 256B.HTM to discover other here.
FRONTFEST MOSCOW It was an honour to be invited to Fronfest Moscow 2017 with the little family to give my first workshop; implementing a Twin-stick shooter using ES6 and Canvas, and to continue my CODE🎙ART series of talks + live coding aiming to inspire new web developer artists. on November 18th, 2017
VOLTRA VOLTRA: Grinding the Universe, a gritty JavaScript demo, winner of the 1024 bytes demo competition at the Assembly 2017. on August 6th, 2017
BREATHING EARTH Another take on Nadieh Bremer mesmerizing Breathing Earth visualisation, running at 60fps on a 2D Canvas without libraries or frameworks. on June 26th, 2017
WOLF1K The idea of this entry for the JS1K contest was to do the impossible: a 1K remake of the famous WOLF5K that rocked the final edition of the5K. It does not feature guns, evil grins and violence for in WOLF1K there is no room for guns or any form of violence. on September 10th, 2010
PNEBULA Almost the first 256b intro using Canvas ever :p on September 30th, 2008
RUBBER IN SOLID # A crazy twister effect in 256bytes of DHTML on January 6th, 2008
256B.HTM ROUND 2 The second edition of the 256B.HTM contest allowed 3 entries per author. Mine ranked 1st, 2nd and 4th out of 43. Only a few points shy of a total take over! on September 2nd, 2002
DRAWING LINES IN JAVASCRIPT An efficient method to draw and animate many lines in JavaScript, without Canvas or any similar graphic API. on November 3rd, 2001
Let's talk
Don't be shy; get in touch by mail, twitter, github, linkedin or pouet if you have any questions, feedback, speaking, workshop or performance opportunity.