The second edition of the 256B.HTM contest allowed 3 entries per author. Mine ranked 1st, 2nd and 4th out of 43. Only a few points shy of a total take over!
256B.HTM round 2
The first 256B.HTM contest was such a success with 62 entries in February 2002 that it made way for a second edition 6 months later, in August 2002. This time authors were allowed a maximum of 3 entries. My entries ranked 1st, 2nd and 4th out of 43. So close, yet so far.
The task was to create a tiny website in 256 bytes, using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, GIF, Flash, SVG, VRML and so on. The main rules where:
- Total size of all files must be less or equal to 256 bytes.
- The entry have to run offline in one of the commonly used web browsers ( Internet Explorer 6, Opera 6, Netscape 6 and Mozilla 0.9 ).
Additional rules
- The code don't have to be valid, cross-browser or DOM compatible.
- All plugin based technologies are allowed.
- It's not allowed to use the file name as source code.
Three different styles
- Clouds a procedural image
- Bricks an interactive building tool
- Ski a frentic game
1. Clouds ranked #1
This procedural graphics in less than 256 bytes showing a random cloud scape ranked 1st.
Source code
Here is the current version, working in recent browsers
<body id=B bgcolor=#7bd text=#fff onload="for(i=99;i--;)B.innerHTML+='<img src=c style=position:absolute;left:'+Math.random()*800+'px;top:'+i*4+'px;width:'+(50-i/2)+'%;opacity:.15>'">poi
And here is the version submitted back then, that only worked in IE5.5
<body id=B bgcolor=80c0e text=white onload="for(i=99;i--;)B.innerHTML+='<img src=c style=position:absolute;left:'+Math.random()*800+';top:'+i*4+';zoom:'+(50-i/2)+';filter:alpha(opacity=15)>'">poi
These weigh 248 and 255 bytes respectively including a 60 bytes big picture.
How do draw fluffy clouds
The image above is drawn 99 times at low opacity, at a random horizontal position and decreasing size. The accumulation and opacity combined with the size and the blue background of the page make the illusion of fluffy clouds.
2. Bricks ranked #2
This tiny LEGO(tm) construction kit ranked #2.
Click on the background to summon a brick in the top left corner. Drag'n drop the brick(s) to make any LEGO(tm)ish construction you want i.e. a dinosaur, a castle, a bus, a rocket...
Source code
Here is the current version, working in recent browsers
<html onclick='b.appendChild(i=new Image());i.src=4'onmousemove='if(top.i)with(,position="absolute",left=event.x-8&-8,top=event.y-8&-8'id=b>poi<p>
And here is the version submitted back then, that only worked in IE5.0
<body id=B onload=i=0 onclick="B.innerHTML+='<img src=4 width=32 style=position:absolute ondrag=with(,left=event.x-8&-8,top=event.y-8&-8>'">poi <br>
These versions weigh 228 and 238 bytes respectively including a 69 bytes image.
3. Ski ranked #4
This frentic skiing game ranked #4
Move the little skier with your mouse to pass through as many gates as possibe.
Source code
Here is the current version, working in recent browsers
<html id=B onmousemove=x=event.screenX><script>setInterval("P='<p style=position:absolute;font-size:80px;left:';w=--a?w:Math.random(S=x<w||x-w>140?0|alert(S):S+1)*640;B.innerHTML='poi'+P+x+'px>⛄'+P+w+'px;top:'+(a&=63)*2+'%>⚑ ⚑'",x=w=a=S=0)</script>
And here is the version submitted back then, that only worked in IE5.5
<body id=B onmousemove=x=event.x><script>P='<p style=position:absolute;font:99webdings;left:';x=w=a=S=0;setInterval("a-=2;if(!(a&=127)){if(x-w<16||x-w>160)S=~alert(S);w=Math.random(++S)*640};B.innerHTML='poi'+P+x+'>‡'+P+w+';top:'+a+'%>w  w'",9)</script>
These weigh 256 bytes each.
Closing words
The 256B.HTM contests rocked! They were far ahead of their time to show that 256 bytes can make for a great show on the web. Kudos to the organizers and all the participants!
Other recent projects
There are many experiments and projects like 256B.HTM ROUND 2 to discover other here.
FRONTFEST MOSCOW It was an honour to be invited to Fronfest Moscow 2017 with the little family to give my first workshop; implementing a Twin-stick shooter using ES6 and Canvas, and to continue my CODE🎙ART series of talks + live coding aiming to inspire new web developer artists. on November 18th, 2017
VOLTRA VOLTRA: Grinding the Universe, a gritty JavaScript demo, winner of the 1024 bytes demo competition at the Assembly 2017. on August 6th, 2017
BREATHING EARTH Another take on Nadieh Bremer mesmerizing Breathing Earth visualisation, running at 60fps on a 2D Canvas without libraries or frameworks. on June 26th, 2017
ASTRA ASTRA is a JavaScript odyssey in 1002 bytes for Assembly 2016 on August 6th, 2016
ANDES The Andes are the world longest mountain range: 7,000 km and 1,022 bytes of JavaScript, making for a nice entry for Assembly 2013 on August 3rd, 2013
JSPONGY Since Mentor^TBC released Spongy, an amazing 128b intro raymarching a Menger sponge, I wondered how far such effect could be size optimized in JavaScript while keeping complex camera path. The answer: 281 bytes. on October 23rd, 2009
SIERPINSKI GASKET A cute Sierpinski gaskets in 96 bytes of DHTML. on June 14th, 2004
256B.HTM The first edition of the 256B.HTM contest allowed 5 entries per author. Mine ranked 1st, 10th, 19th and 29th out of 63. on March 1st, 2002
Let's talk
Don't be shy; get in touch by mail, twitter, github, linkedin or pouet if you have any questions, feedback, speaking, workshop or performance opportunity.