I had the pleasure to speak about creating bite sized audio-visual demos, and LIVE code one at Front Trends 2016 in Warsaw, Poland.
Photo credits: Szymon Kaliski
Front-Trends is an excellent and balanced conference. As for my talk, making small creative demos is all about:
Abusing the standards and developing a visual understanding of mathematics
Slides, LIVE coding and video
Speakers had 30 minutes. I spent the first 7-8 minutes giving tips on how to create tiny Audio-Visual demos for the web platform, before LIVE coding a little animation with sound.
This time, I wanted to play with the logo of the conference, vector fields and the Web Audio API.
Here are the slides of my talk about Demo Reel and Tiny JavaScript and result of the ~20 minutes LIVE CODING session.
The session went fine despite two small technical problems with the timer and wireless microphone. In retrospect I could, and should, have easily solved these problems. My apologies to the audience, Kenneth Ormandy who spoke after me, and to the organizers.
Why oh why ?
My goal with talks like this one is to demystify creative coding and the demoscene. I hope to inspire the viewers to bring their creative ideas to life.
Live coding is tricky, and requires a lot of preparation, but I believe it speaks louder than words for this kind of talks. Developing a little animation on stage; explaining things as we go, in a limited amount of time illustrates very well the power and expressiveness of simple techniques.
Front Trends
Front Trends is an amazing 3 days, 1 track, conference with 2 rounds of lighting talks opened to everyone. Everything was top notch: the organization, the speakers, the venue, the attendees, ... I can't believe I was part of it all!
The talks were all recorded and should be available shortly in Front-Trends 2016 playlist which starts with the highlights of the conference.
Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw is beautiful with a heavy history. It reminded me of Berlin in many aspects. It was nice to hop around the city with the little family.
Other recent experiments
There are many experiments and projects like DEMO REEL AND TINY JAVASCRIPT AT FRONT TRENDS to discover other here.
FRONTFEST MOSCOW It was an honour to be invited to Fronfest Moscow 2017 with the little family to give my first workshop; implementing a Twin-stick shooter using ES6 and Canvas, and to continue my CODE🎙ART series of talks + live coding aiming to inspire new web developer artists. on November 18th, 2017
VOLTRA VOLTRA: Grinding the Universe, a gritty JavaScript demo, winner of the 1024 bytes demo competition at the Assembly 2017. on August 6th, 2017
BREATHING EARTH Another take on Nadieh Bremer mesmerizing Breathing Earth visualisation, running at 60fps on a 2D Canvas without libraries or frameworks. on June 26th, 2017
10 PRINT THEREMIN AT WEB REBELS A lighting talk about labyrinth generation and theremin instrument using the Web Audio API in 219 bytes presented at Web Rebels 2016. on June 2nd, 2016
LRNZ SNGLRT LRNZ SNGLRT is a minimalist and energetic entry for JS1k 2016 showing twisted Lorenz attractors with ambient occlusion, soft shadows, ... a strong beat & clean design. on March 13th, 2016
MINICRAFT Tribute to MINECRAFT, voxel flyby in 252 bytes of HTML5 on November 2nd, 2013
PNEBULA Almost the first 256b intro using Canvas ever :p on September 30th, 2008
MAGIC A cute little intro for the Magic BBS made in 3.5kb for MSDOS on April 11th, 1997
Let's talk
Don't be shy; get in touch by mail, twitter, github, linkedin or pouet if you have any questions, feedback, speaking, workshop or performance opportunity.