Flyby the city of Asahikawa in 64 bytes.
Is that even possible ?
There had been some great 64 bytes intro for DOS, but no voxel landscape so far. I wondered whether it was possible to fit this effect in 64 bytes for almost a year before sitting down and doing it. Turned out to be perfect time as Asahikawa beat another talented coder by a few hours and became the first 64 bytes intro to feature a voxel effect.
Source code
; A s a h i k a w a
; 64b city landscape
; Mathieu 'p01' Henri
; january 21st, 2007
org 100h
mov al,13h
int 10h
mov bh,0a0h
mov es,bx
mov ax,di
mov bx,320
div bx ; ax = y, dx = x
sub dx,160
mov bx,dx ; bx = x-160
inc ax ;
xchg cx,ax ; cx = y+1
mov ah,32
div cx ; ax = perspScale = ~y projected
imul bx,ax ; bx = (x-160)*perspScale = ~x projected
add ax,si ; frame offset
and al,240 ; al = v*16
shr bx,12 ; bx = u
xlat ; buildings 'LUT'
xor ax,bp ; al = ~height of the building
push di
or al,16
sub di,321
inc ax
and al,15
jnz loop_y
pop di
inc di
jnz main
inc si ; next frame
jnz main
db 03h ; <3
Obviously Asahikawa is available on Pouet
Other recent experiments
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Let's talk
Don't be shy; get in touch by mail, twitter, github, linkedin or pouet if you have any questions, feedback, speaking, workshop or performance opportunity.